Monday, April 13, 2009


Wendell, JL (turning 8 in two days), Charlotte (3) and I are all doing very well. This past week Charlotte started going potty on the toilet. She is so proud of herself. You should see her proud little face as she hears herself going into the potty. She's a funny girl, I tell 'ya. JL just received his most recent report card. I'm proud to report... all A'S & B'S!
The business is doing alright. We had some staff changes within the last month, which at first, through me into quite a tizzy... but I quickly realized that it was a blessing in disguise. My employees are so much happier now, and quite frankly, so am I. I think (hope) business is picking up now a bit. With spring here, people are wanting their hi-lites done.... wanting to get out of the house, etc...
Wendell's job is doing well.... despite everything going on with the economy.
My back issues are still pretty intense. I'm down to doing hair every other day, so I can have a day in between to rest my back. I feel it's the best way for me to handle everything. I am trying to lose weight and continue my physical therapy in hopes that I can put back surgery off as long as possible.
To those who don't already know, I am being "adopted" (again.) Yes, this is something that can be done legally. There are many reasons behind this adoption, however, what prompted it was a terrible (one of many) experience with my biological mother. I thought that if anything were to ever happen to me, I wouldn't want my biological mother coming after my children.. and as crazy as she is, I know she would. So.... The DeWitt family is adopting me. They have been my family for so long anyway.... we're just legalizing our relationship. I am very excited about this, and I would hope that others could be for me too.
I miss my Mom and Dad very much... not a day goes by that I don't think of them. I know that this adoption with the DeWitt family is what my Mother would want.