Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My New Salon

Most people don't know this already because it's been a big secret for the past few months, but tomorrow morning we close on the sale of the salon that I work at. I will be the new owner of The Blue Giraffe salon in Valparaiso. The salon has been in business for 9 years, and the previous owner retired because of health issues and wanting to stay at home with her daughter. It has been a successful salon thus far and has been one of the top 5 salons in Valparaiso. It was voted the #1 salon in Porter County in the Post Tribune last year.

For the past few months, I have spent an extraordinary amount of time preparing for this transition. I've done things that should have already been done in the business, but I felt like I had to in order for this transition to be successful.

So get ready, Valparaiso! Here we come!